I will bless the LORD at all times, His praise will continually be in my mouth. My soul will make it's boast in the LORD. The Humble will here thereof and be glad. Oh magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together Psalm 34:1-3
Healing During Worship
This happened quite a number of years back, but I know it's a testimony I should share. My wrists had been growing considerably weak and painful for a number of months. The pain was making it hard to work with my hands. One night while we were singing in a mid week church service the pastor just shared a quick word. He said that God was wanting to heal people and that anyone needed a healing they should just raise their hands and worship with all their heart when we began to sing again. I was feeling kind of down that night and didn't necessarily feel worthy of a healing, but I did worship God and the pain in my wrists immediately went away. It has never come back. Praise God.