I'm thinking of when Samuel went to Jesse's house to find a king to replace Saul. He looked at Jesse's first son and thought he would be the one. God told Samuel, "Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart." anointing only comes from God. I know a man who isn't much of a singer, but he was the best worship leader my home church ever had. Talent and skills are developable. I do develop my musical talents including singing, just like David in the Bible did, not because of the people who hear me, but because my worship is to God. He looks at the heart and when I develop skills it's because my heart wants to give Him my very best. Yet the time I develop skills is not near as important as the time I spend seeking His face. Talent without anointing may attract an audience but I want to attract Him. Frankly talent without anointing leaves my spirit feeling empty.