TIP #1 One of the best things you could ever do for your church and music department is learn a NEW slammin' song! Fresh music does wonders! OK! Please list one thing you think would help jump start new enthusiasm into your church's worship experience?
Tip #2 Take personal responsibility as a worship "LEADER" or should I say a Lead worshiper! Do not blame the congregation or condemn them if you do not care for their response. Just help create an atmosphere where they can tap in. You just never know what all God is doing even when it is not apparent. When the platform... is confident the congregation will be confident! LEAD!
TIP #3 Remember to sing worship songs that actually engage the congregation and doesn't just entertain them. Some songs sound incredible but they do not arrest people into His presence! Hype is not the goal but rather connecting people to their creator is the goal. There is a difference between perfection and excellence!!!
Tip #4 Work like it's up to you and pray like it's up to God. In other words, REHEARSE each week for each week! If we want to have the impact of the preaching of the word then we will have to do, study, pray and prepare with the same intensity. I hardly doubt your Pastor studies once a month for all 4 weeks.
Tip #5 ~ Try to have time to minister a minimum of 3 songs consecutive where you can create a flow. Do not be so quick to rush to your next song. Allow time for people to enjoy spontaneous worship. Encourage worship going in and out of songs. Preaching between every song and/or announcements between songs stop the flow!
Mark Condon on itunes