I suggest that you have your praise team up across the front of the stage/platform.
What number are you at?
Don't ask for your situations to become easier or less just pray that you become bigger and better. Become a 10 person! If you are a 10 person, a 7 problem is achievable. If you are a 4 person, a 7 problem will eat your lunch!
Become bigger and more mature then what you are facing!
When the platform is confident the congregation is confident. So, know your material, parts, music and direction. Try to use music that your group can lead with confidence. This does not mean, never learn new material. It means rehearse until you are very confident!
It's better to do easy songs well than difficult songs average.
When you are leading in worship or ministering a solo, be very careful not to close your eyes all the time. The #1 way to communicate is through our eyes. I often see people get up and close out their congregations for long periods of time. To a new guest that does not know or understand all of our ways and cultures this can become very awkward to stare at someone who has their eyes closed all of the time.
I understand we do this under the auspices of "worshiping God" but we must remember that the best way to engage people is to keep eye contact. I also think we do this sometimes because we are just nervous and the people make us nervous. I am not saying don't ever close your eyes. I am just encouraging you to keep this at a minimum while you are up front leading.
Learn to make eye contact with your people.
Understand that you do not need to imitate someone else to lead effectively. Be YOURSELF! I personally feel that you become your most effective when you truly operate in your own identity and gifts. In my training sessions I often ask, "How many of you could not talk without using your hands?" Then I say, "If you talk with your hands then you should sing with your hands because that is the real you."
If you are expressive in the church lobby while in a normal conversation then that is the way you should be on the platform. Too often people are something different than themselves on the platform.
It is ok to be mentored but always understand that God has uniquely gifted you to be you! Don't limit God by trying to be someone else.
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