A distressing spirit from the Lord had come on King Saul. At this point Saul had already stopped worshipping God except to have the approval of men. He had lied about obeying God's command, he had become big to himself, and he blamed others for his sins. (see 1 Samuel 15:13-14, 17, 20-21) This act of disobedience showed that his heart had become divided between the approval of God and the approval of men. Although he asked for forgiveness he was really only trying to put on a spiritual front.
And Saul said unto Samuel, I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the Lord, and thy words: because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice. Now therefore, I pray thee, pardon my sin, and turn again with me, that I may worship the Lord.
Then he said, I have sinned: yet honour me now, I pray thee, before the elders of my people, and before Israel, and turn again with me, that I may worship the Lord thy God.
1 Samuel 15 24,25, 30
When Saul's servants saw his distress they knew that some good, Godly music would help. So they sent for David to come and play his harp for Saul whenever the spirit distressed him. As David played annointed music, Saul became relieved.
Saul loved David's ministry until after the defeat of Goliath. When the women sang there song honouring David above Saul, he became very jealous. His jealousy lead to unrealistic mistrust. David was more than a musician. He was also a warrior.
Music ministry is a service that will put you in front of a lot of people. While this might be looked at as an honor it is really a position of great scrutiny and responsibility. Because in the world people get on stage to put on a show people with a carnal spirit try to equate that with what happens in a church service. Don't get me wrong. It is always an honor to worship the Lord Jesus whether on stage or all alone in a secret place. David the shepherd boy understood this. (Psalm 91)
Jealousy overtook Saul. At this point when David played Saul would throw spears at him and try to maliciously destroy him. This will happen with those in church who seek the honor of men. They see you performing your very best because you are entertaining the presence of God. God is not impressed with talent. He is the one who gives talents to people. He looks on the heart and thats why we do our very best in every thing that we do as an offering of worship to Him. Yet the carnal person will not join you in worship but will become envious of your position.
So now David was open to Saul's attacks. If you have been used by God in music ministy you understand these attacks. I think it's important to look at the Psalms David wrote during this time and his life to understand the attitude he had that helped him stay faithful to God. David never stopped loving Saul and he never questioned God's annointing on Saul.
David turned to God for mercy and truth. (Ps 57:1-3)
He determined to exalt and praise God no matter what happened . (Ps 57:5)
Remembers God's goodness will prevail and evil will be judged. (Ps 52:5-7)
Reestabishes in his heart that he is God's servant. (Ps 52:9)
Never stopps praying. (Ps 54:1-2)
In prayer he is transparent to God about his human insecurities. (Ps 55:12-14)
Trusts God to protect him from man's evil. (Ps 56:4-6)
Remembers God's promises and determines to never stop praising Him. (Ps 56:10-12)
Determines to keep singing praises to the Lord. (Ps 57:7-10)
Pleads to God for righteousness and judgement. (Ps 59:11-13)
These are some great Psalms for practical wisdom in times of carnal attack. The enemy does not want God to be worshipped. The worship of God silences the devil. So of course he will try to stop you. Always remember that people are not your enemy. They are spiritual captives that need to be set free.
Psalm 59:17 Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defence, and the God of my mercy.