It was a Sunday morning and the worship service had ended. I led the song service that morning with what I felt was a Spirit led purpose. Several people came up to me to thank me for the things I said while singing. They told me they had really been ministered to by my words.
The last person to talk to me was my pastor. My pastor is also my father-in-law. We have a close relationship and I can tell you that he is a Spirit-led Christian both in service and in his home. His encouragement was very different than what I was hearing from others. He told me that when I lead the song service try not to talk so much.
I was really confused about this admonishment but I was careful not to say anything. I know from the scriptures that music ministers are sometimes proned to pride and not listening to leadership when they feel they are right. So I prayed that the Lord would help me understand.
On my way home the Lord gave me some revelation. The primary reason for the music ministry is not the ministry to man but to minister to God with worship and praise. The Bible does tell us to teach and admonish one another with psalms and hymns, but the majority of the Psalms are praise to God. I suddenly realized that my purpose in singing worship is to minister to God and when I minister to God, He inhabits the praise I give Him. When God is glorified with praise He comes in and ministers to people. I know the Lord can minister to people much better than I can. I go to church not to be blessed but to bless and the best way I can be a blessing is to bless His name. I'm not saying there is never a time for a word of encouragement. The Lord wants His people to encourage others, but when I'm leading worship I am now intensely focused on ministering to Him. When the praises go up the blessings come down!
Open Up the Sky - Lindell Cooley
Open Up The Sky (Album Version)