This list of came from a comment by Joy Chapman from
Here are some things about worship and scriptures.
Four Stages of Development:
1. Primitive Worship
2. Temple Worship
3. Synagogue Worship
4. New Testament Church Worship
Why Worship God?
1. He Is Worthy- Revelations 5:11-12; Exodus 3:14; Deuteronomy 32:39; Isaiah 43:10-11; II Corinthians 5:19; Revelations 1:8; Exodus 15:1-21; I Samuel 2:1-10; Matthew 28:16-17; Luke 10:20; Psalm 107:8, 21, 31.
2. Called To Worship- Exodus 32:11-14; Exodus 20:3-5; Matthew 4:10.
3. Created for Worship- Colossians 1:16; Ephesians 1:12
4. Need to Worship- Genesis 32:24-29; John 4:15; Mark 10:35-37; Acts 2:4; Hebrews 11:24-25.
Provisions for Worship- Psalm 22:26; Hebrews 13:4; Psalm 127:2.
1. Separation from Sin- I Peter 1:18-19; John 3:5.
2. An Holy Relationship with God- John 3:5; Acts 2:38; Titus 3:5; John 4:23.
The Spirit of Worship
1. Essentiality- John 16:13-14; Acts 2:36; Ephesians 4:4-6.
2. Knowledge- I Corinthians 2:16.
3. Direct Connection- John 14:16-26; Romans 8:9-11; 16.
4. Supernatural Communication- I Corinthians 14:2; Romans 8:26.
5. Flow of the Spirit- John 7:38-39; II Corinthians 6:17; I John 2:15-16.
6. Holy Life- Psalm 29:1-2; II Corinthians 7:1.
7. Conviction of Sins- Joshua 7:19-20.
Attitudes of Worship
1. Brokenness- Psam 51:17; Jeremiah 23:29; Matthew 21:44.
2. Humility- Luke 7:37-38; James 4:6.
3. Love- Mark 12:30.
4. Reverence- Psalm 89:7.
5. Obedience- I Samuel 15:22; Genesis 22:5.
6. Not Ashamed- II Samuel 6:21-22; Mark 8:38.
Performance of Worship
1. Giving- Acts 20:35
2. Prayer- Luke 18:1; Ephesians 6:18; Acts 4:31.
3. Praise- Hebrews 13:15; Psalm 95:1; Psalm 100:4; Psalm 47:1; Psalm 134:2; Psalm 149:1-3; Psalm 150:3-6; Acts 15:14-17; Ephesians 5:18-19; Luke 19:37-40; Psalm 22:3; Isaiah 61:3; Acts 2:46-47; I Thessalonians 5:19; I Timothy 2:8; I Peter 2:9.
4. Lord's Supper- I Corinthians 11:24-30; Isaiah 53:5; John 13:8; John 13:13-15.
Results of Worship
1, Transformation- Psalm 115:4-8; Romans 1:23-24; I Corinthians 6:9-11; Ephesians 5:8; II Corinthians 5:17; Colossians 3:1-2; Romans 12:2; Romans 8:29; Galatians 4:19.
2. Victory- Joshua 6:20; II Chronicles 20:21; Acts 16:25-26; I Thessalonians 5:18.
3. Heaven- John 14:3; I Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 19:6-7; John 4:23.