Devotions For Music Ministers

Devotion For Music Ministers

I will bless the LORD at all times, His praise will continually be in my mouth. My soul will make it's boast in the LORD. The Humble will here thereof and be glad.
Oh magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together
Psalm 34:1-3

Praising B 4 Victory

This last weekend we had Dr Fred Childs minister at our church.  In the last part of his sermon he told the congregation about a time when he was in a church service where God was healing people.  He told how he saw a lady who had her face down in the seat in front of her.  She had a long shawl over her head.  The shawl covered most of her body.  When he walked up to her to pray for her, he realized that everyone was watching him and he didn’t know why.  So he began to ask the lady some questions.

“Have you been prayed for many times?  Have you been prayed for over one hundred times?  Do you believe God can heal you?”

The answer the lady gave to all these questions was yes.   Then he asked her another question. 

“Have you praised God for your healing even though you haven’t received it yet?”

The answer to this question was, “No.”

In this he encouraged her to praise God in faith for her healing.  As she raised her hands in thanks to God her condition became visible.  She had a shriveled hand.  As she praised the Lord that hand was restored to whole.

In telling us about this event Brother Childs encouraged everyone that had a need to praise the Lord for the answer.   This led to many testimonies.   One of my daughters was healed of two painful conditions she had.  Another lady was healed of arthritis.  Back sliders made new commitments to God.   It was very faith building to hear some of the testimonies.

We see examples of this in scriptures.   Paul and Silas worshiped God before the chains and prisons doors were broken in the Philippian jail.   (Acts 16)  Jehosophat had the musicians lead the army into a battle they never had to fight.   Joshua and the Israelites  shouted to the Lord before the walls of Jericho fell.  Gideon’s soldiers shouted and blew their trumpets  before running into the battle. 

There’s a principle to remember.   What comes out of  our mouths demonstrates the faith that is in our hearts.   Instead of complaining, let that be praise and thanksgiving to God.   God honors faith and faith is alive by what we do.  In bringing our needs to Him let what we do be praise.

I have called upon You, for You will hear me, O God;
         Incline Your ear to me,
and hear my speech.
Psalm 17:6

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